The Story - My Experience

. . . during this project, I have learned . . .

Herewith, we are shading the expert insight provided here with real-time work experience. Together, we intended to illuminate the grunt of implementation juxtaposed to the expert insight. We hope to provide you with practical information that should aid you in your personal engagement decisions and requirements to excel in Affiliate Marketing here.

Your FREE mission-critical business-expert SEO information is in the double-spaced text of the blue section that you find on-page.

Affiliate Marketing is a continuous education covering ways to accomplish necessary action items that perpetuate incomes commiserate to business efficiency goals. In the 1990s Digitial Marketing, which Affiliate Marketing comes from, began the evolution of its Internet Technologies and strategies that have proven generally effective for both individuals and businesses as tools in this business growth endeavor. SEO is one core technology that you will find unique about creating a way for yourself more than what many believed; it was about a competition with other marketers and even large businesses as a creator of a unique lucrative strategy. As a participant in the industry, you shall follow a variety of expert's leadership and guidance to formulate a prosperous project.

SEO is the technology that makes each internet citizen's projects unique. Every internet citizen searching for information or requiring a business solution to grow some specific business or seeking a particular opportunity uniquely thinks about it. It is this peculiar thinking and reasoning that makes a sale to you when your SEO technology leads Internet citizen's Internet searches to you for a service or product that satisfies their needs. The different SEO Technology used by your distinct business provides specialized optimization for Internet citizens to find what they need from you. As we all affiliate with each other and lean on industry leaders to gain experience our journey creates successful businesses and opportunities for others. This pursuit generates a cycle of perpetual profits for industry participants.

Ultimately, we are all the better due to SEO whether businessly per its meritoriously generated prosperity or as a common information seeker to satisfy a curiosity. As you seek and find your knowledge, businessly the delight of your success leads to joint ventures between you and other business doers, much the same way that it has down through the ages between businesses. These interactions with others along these multiple purposes evolve the internet thanks to Vinton Cerf, the inventor of the technology that allows the Internet to talk worldwide, TCP/IP. As a result, we have a win-win-win. A fair commission, which at times is even 100%, occurs in due process, creating a cycle of marketing and business-building effort for us all to prosper. From all of this, the industry now exceeds multiple billions year-over-year for the past twenty-five years since the Internet became engaged in online business expansions through worldwide marketing.

As part of this simple introduction, I share that my chosen past profession is of little importance to this except for my sticktoitiveness to problem-solving in business scenarios. Your abilities to power through a day of work and work hard in spurts for a time will be most important, utmost.

It does not matter how you came to possess your effective business character-power but one-way, and that way is that now the field is level for all. There is no boss but you to determine your outcome. Regardless ] of your business goal size, the largeness of it or the smallness of it DOES NOT matter. Our guiding mantra on this project is to provide more use-value to you than any cash-value that you ever give to us. Your business experience results beneficially for you. Compounded with what industry experts have empirically learned over the past 25 years will help you along your journey. We propose that the business shall result as a continuous-education experience for you prosperously, and you thereby live life on your terms, which may mean to get rich or, to enjoy a bit of improvement in your life. Internet software progressively continues to meet the world demand for our mutual enjoyment in our lives everywhere in the world. Technology is truly continuing to improve and create a better world-wide-web to use in every home and home-business for people.

The experts that I am working with on their specific joint-ventures are bonafide millionaires. For one precise reason, I changed from my long and prosperous American corporate career competitively in the year 2019 to this new ideal project of Affiliate Marketing. First, are you tough enough, and next, immediately, do you have a reason?


In this article, we will look at how you can drive traffic to affiliate offers.

We will look at how you can do this with both free and paid traffic.

Bear in mind, though, these two major distinctions between free and paid visitors.

Free traffic is slow and not predictable to scale; whereas paid traffic is fast and scalable.

With both free and paid traffic, it's getting more and more challenging to promote affiliate offers.

We will examine why this is the case.

Most importantly, we will look at how you can gain an unfair advantage in 2021.

Getting Free Traffic To Affiliate Offers

Traditionally, one of the best ways to get traffic is by using social media.

This includes the following platforms:

         o   Instagram

         o   Facebook

         o   Quora

         o   Twitter

However, sharing your affiliate link on these platform is considered spamming.

Therefore, you have a good chance of getting your posts deleted.

Or, alternatively, for repeat offenders, you will get banned from XYZ platform.

So, you need to tread carefully with free traffic methods on social media.

How To Earn Affiliate Commissions with Free Traffic On Social Media?

The secret is to get your prospect off of the platform.

You do not want to sell directly on any social media site.

That is, you do not want to leave your affiliate link.

Rather, you want to use a landing page (aka "squeeze page") to collect emails.

Then, you will use an autoresponder to follow up and close the sale.

How To Get Paid Traffic To Affiliate Offers

Many people dread the idea of running paid ads for affiliate offers.

One of the main reasons is the difficulty of getting your ads approved.

For instance, If you're running ads to an affiliate offer on Facebook...

...even if you have a landing page it's difficult to get approval.

The reason is: Facebook does not like affiliate offers.

Another problem that marketers face is getting a good return on investment (ROI).

You need to get fairly inexpensive traffic that's also targeted and will convert.

With Google and Facebook as primary options, this is difficult to accomplish.

However, what if there was a way you could get 100-300% ROI on an underground traffic source?

Get Low-Cost Laser Targeted Traffic To Affiliate Marketing Offers

If you'd like to learn more about driving laser-targeted traffic to your offers...

...we highly recommend that you get Method X - a complete training on driving targeted traffic.

For a limited time, use our discount code METHODX.

Grab it up at a massive discount of over 60% off!!!

Click on "I have a coupon" at check out and enter the code: METHODX.

The Story Continues

. . . City Street Business sales PLUS Internet sales. . . .
Whether your business is a brick-and-mortar store, or an online small business that you might call cyber, or an internet business, the same principles apply. The name-of-the-game is sales and that sweet spot of repeat sales, for some, and if you're digital, even that does not matter because the more customers every day, with repeat sales mixed-in, the better, right? The business world has not changed in the twenty-first century as far as that part goes.

But now, we have internet power to leverage individually and extend our reach independently around the world, instantly. That is all. Let's keep it simple and grow with it. Simplicity is what our experts have mastered and ready to share with us. Collectively we call it Affiliate Marketing. Over the past twenty-five years, the internet has changed the game. Technology and business jas coalesced very well, and our experts have perfected the craft of business marketing to the world while the principles of business are still the same. As we have discussed, all that remains for you is to define your level of success that nobody can say. Only you know that.

As Decentralization is to Bitcoin
Affiliate Marketing is to Business
-- A Connection of People Working --
. . . Worldwide . . .
That Begins With Only You

. . . GROW IT BIGGER . . .

The word 'business' at its core is about contribution. True to the scope of our discussion to succeed businessly I recommend looking into the history of the business corporation. You should take away from your research that it is a device to help people of a community to utterly survive. Affiliate Marketing is a simplification of business and decentralization is like a rocket fire to accelerate this new way of business now about twenty-five years old on the Internet.

The evolution of business has expanded into a reality for individuals and an expansion of ambitious improvement and reaching out into the world for traditional business, from only the local community to the idea of worldwide assistance to not only survive but, thrive, in a people-friendly and effective way, with Affiliate Marketing. People in communities can now do much more than survive together by sharing revenue from ventures with each other, per the ideas of each other, beyond the local community limit, and grow the success of the business idea via crowdsources randomly anywhere on the planet. In this way, mankind advances itself globally and we accomplish the decentralization concept envisioned and proven to be a continuation of uttermost success as we have witnessed in the unfolding of the stellar success seen in the Defi Bitcoin idea and its Blockchain counterpart. Not to digress too far, but stay tuned on this with us at a later time.

I use Bitcoin as an analogous business to Affiliate Marketing as its idea of using friends and friends-of-friends to propagate its business uses similar concepts of financial agility. Bitcoin also accomplishes leveraging modern technologies to implement its integrity components that we can similarly find with Affiliate Marketing through its use of strategic business software products.

In Affiliate Marketing, Joint Ventures are as the Blockchain is to Bitcoin. I predict that they will improve along this line in the future with more technology called smart contracts and smart code. Now, Affiliate Marketing accomplishes the same concept with normal contracts between vendors and inventors growing their businesses by offering ways for people to succeed wi=thout the normal headaches of running a business. Still, there are necessary tools of the trade such as SEO for success individually in these joint-ventures.

Our friends in the Affiliate Marketing businesses of the world easily generate millions per year in the multi-billion-dollar industry. By definition, the business model goal is to offer the same business through joint-ventures with them to you by leveraging their cumulative expert guidance to educate you endowing the benefit of their cumulative success to you. By doing things in a certain way your success is safely guaranteed as proven correct by their business success cumulatively as an industry and individually one-on-one with you. A certain way is achieved through your emulation more times than not. Of course, there will always be trailblazers. Still, their expert guidance is likely to put you on the trail.

I have found these people are most times exemplarily your most ultimately ideal human beings. When you think about it, why wouldn't they be? The Affiliate marketing business-model results in new customers to their businesses that they would normally never see to boost their revenues. So, they are very motivated most passionately to love you businessly and to teach you the certain way of how have succeeded. You are also incentivized to like them a lot as well since you make more in a day with this education than you probably make normally in a month. Typically, you gain insights, education, and use-value exceedingly above any cash-value that is required in their joint-venture deal with you. So, we have a win-win-win scenario.

This affiliation of people businessly creates a collaboration of business intelligence unseen in the world before now that results in coagulation of success for participants and multiple worldwide groups. This is the goal of Affiliate Marketing, and it begins with you (see the graphic above). These are individuals who want to live more life that you help to learn how to plan and accomplish their goals to do it. Living increases itself. Life multiplies itself in the act of living. Herein, we have the fuel of Affiliate Marketing and the reason that your business shall grow. Collectively, your business' intelligence shall grow as Affiliate Marketing is a way for you to have more, be more, and do more. Discreetly, your team experiences all of this living-of life at their level, and your business continues to grow. This growth is only limited by everyone's unlimited imagination with the help of the Affiliate Marketing industry's creative inventors, vendors, and business people who know how to get more by correctly using Internet technologies, ethically, for us all to prosper abundant- ly, and as I have mentioned, this also includes themselves. In this way Affiliate Marketing is a masterful strategy. So, only bringing your natural-self leads to your success. As your friends witness you getting more of what you want they will attach themselves to you and your business grows organically. SEO enhances this organic result worldwide into a critical mass event that only boosts your power and influence positively. You create survival influentially as the cycle continues bountifully. Nature is your friend in our Plan. You are helping to define truth in the world by helping people to become all that they can be in the way that they want to be.

An additional reassurance that you probably have figured out for yourself is that there are many types of Affiliate marketing businesses and that you need not worry about the type of business that you like will be an issue. No need to worry about it. As there have always been various businesses in the world there are also many types of Affiliate Marketing businesses. Affiliate Marketing is a business model that fits any business.

Meantime, You continue to become what you want to be.

As you can see, Affiliate Marketing is not about taking anything from anyone. Instead, it is all about people-helping-people-to help-each-other be all that they can be by leveraging technologies created by others to leverage the internet technologies of the world that you do not create. It is like driving and no knowing how everything works under the hood of your car. You sorta have an idea, without being an expert mechanic. All that you bring to the equation for success is your desire to be all that you can be.

You are more likely to become what you want to be, get what you want to get, and help the community where you live by creating what you want. And, every other man will have more than he has now by participating with you.

The day of the racial upbuilding of plutocrats is nearly over. Decentralization shall truly realize that we 'have overcome . . .' proven by the decentralization of finance through people doing business with each other and more money in your pocket on a card than in a central bank of any country on the planet.

 . . . Summation . . . 
Affiliate Marketing is the world-class business coagulation of various technologists' and businessmen whom are focused on expansion tools and strategies for increased corroborations in the industry, including the cooperation of individuals, business creators, and individuals' entrepreneurship ideas, or simple joint venture deals that scale globally to an industry where the rules are a call of philosophical truth in the world. For many years the jobless-society has been debated. Affiliate Marketing is merely an aberration of worldwide business evolution. World-Business makes available an onramp for anyone to live their true potential. People keep their income, abide by their normal taxations, work with experienced individuals and professionals who share their knowledge educationally for autonomous wealth versus working on a job to create plutocrats that own and run corporations. Business software, product networks, and Internet Utilities are developed along the lines of various business types for people to choose what to do, or create something new. It is the new and better variation of a world-class business for an industry thanks to the technology that can span the world, the Internet. You have a choice to be all that you can be or to be subservient to a company working a job in your life versus prospering unto your actual worthiness. It is the way to live your dream for those who hold themselves morally and ethically responsible. Do you have the courage and fortitude to do it?